Thursday, 25 March 2010

The blog is back

I’m back to blogging after spending a great deal of time working on the site re-design. We’ve not only changed colour, but we’ve also added new functions which we hope will make shopping at Jolliman a more enjoyable experience.

The new Summer Preview catalogue is just back from the printer so if you want to receive one and you’re not already registered with us you can click here to request a catalogue. Our new models Chris and Gordon give it a whole new flavour, but for those of you who are fans of Colin, he’s still in there!

You know that Summer is nearly here with the arrival of the new the new seasons mens fine gingham check shirt or the Jolliman Club Classic Jacket. But almost better than that our best selling Foldable Panama Hat, as modelled by Chris, has made a welcome reappearance. Its devastatingly stylish and works no matter where you are or what the occasion.